Wednesday, April 7, 2021

 What is your favorite thing to do when being physically active?

(Ex. walking, hiking, frisbee, fishing...)


My name is Chase Michael DeGrood. I play baseball at Davis and Elkins college, and I'm a junior. I had grown up watching my dad do his job (Athletic Director) and he had always looked so happy while he was working. I want to be a teacher because I feel as though Physical education isn't taken seriously enough by society. The benefits of being physically active, eating right, and taking care of your body are countless. I am hoping to inspire the next generation of kids to take initiative in their lives, and make changes in ways that will benefit their health.

Above is the link to my YouTube video on the components of squatting. I made this video hoping that it may inform my fellow classmates on the proper techniques when attempting to squat. Not only would the video inform them on how to squat, it would also help prevent injuries from occurring. 

 I will use technology in my classroom to show tutorials on how to perform certain sport movements, that I feel would be beneficial for my students to see a professional perform. I will also utilize technology from the health aspect of class as well. I will use PowerPoint to assist with note taking, and I may use technology for game like activities.

 What is your favorite thing to do when being physically active? (Ex. walking, hiking, frisbee, fishing...)